Pedigree Puppy Medium Dog Complete Dry With Poultry And Rice 3kg


£2.92 per kg

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Product information

Pedigree Complete dry dog food is balanced and made with natural ingredients, plus vitamins and minerals, prebiotics and superfoods, delivering everything that is essential to fuel all dogs exuberant love of life. All this with no added artificial colours, or flavours.
Dry dog food with a specially designed texture that cleans your pet's teeth.
Natural dog food that contains fibres, prebiotics, and highly digestible ingredients.
Junior dog food with Vitamin E, known to have antioxidative functions and support natural defences.
Dry dog food with selected B vitamins and zinc to help keep them looking and feeling their best.

With Naturally-Powered Superfood Ingredients

Carrots are a source of vitamin A from beta carotene
Peas are a source of fibre and minerals
With Prebiotics & Superfoods

Oral Care
Every puppy deserves a happy mouth. That's why our product contains the right amount of calcium to support healthy teeth development. The kibbles size is specially designed to fit a puppy's jaws.

Growth & Protection
With all essential Minerals and Vitamins for a healthy development.

Healthy Digestion
Every puppy deserves a healthy belly. Our product contains fibre, prebiotics, and highly digestible poultry, to be easily absorbed by their developing digestive system.

Natural Defences Support
Our recipes contain vitamin E, known to help support natural defences, so they can get on with exploring the big wide world.
Complete dog food with natural prebiotics to help support digestion, With no added artificial colours or flavours, 100% complete, No palm oil

Typical ValuesAnalytical constituents (%):
Fat content:10.0
Inorganic matter:7.0
Crude fibre:2.2
Additives per kg:
Nutritional additives:
Vitamin B₁:4.7 mg
Vitamin B₂:8.0 mg
Vitamin D₃:844 IU
Vitamin E:100 mg
Biotin:0.11 mg
Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):6.3 mg
Iodine (Potassium iodide):1.6 mg
Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate): 24.8 mg
Selenium (Sodium selenite):0.18 mg
Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):70.1 mg
Cereals**, Meat and Animal Derivatives (including Poultry 4%), Oils and Fats, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (including Dried Beet Pulp 3%**), Minerals, Vegetables** (including Dried Peas and Carrots Mix 0.7%, equivalent to Peas and Carrots Mix 4%), Yeast (including Brewer's Yeast 0.4%), **Natural ingredients


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Adults need around 2000 kcals a day. You should note that products and their ingredients (including allergens) are subject to change, so it is important you check the labels and allergy advice of products supplied in each delivery. This page serves as a summary for information purposes only, and is designed to enhance your shopping experience on the website. While we have taken care in preparing this summary and believe it to be accurate, it is not a substitute for reading the product packaging and label prior to use. Where this description contains a link to another party's website for further information about the product, please note that Wm Morrisons Supermarkets Limited has no control over and no liability for the contents of a 3rd party website. You should also note that the picture images show only our serving suggestions of how to prepare your food - all table accessories and additional items and/or ingredients pictured with the product you are purchasing are not included. This data is supplied for personal use only. It may not be reproduced in any way whatsoever without Wm Morrisons Supermarkets Limited prior consent, nor without due acknowledgement.