Staying Safe With

Staying Safe With Morrisons

At Morrisons, we care about your security and we want to give you as much peace of mind as possible when you're shopping online with us - which is why we've created this handy list of tips below to help keep you safe.

Simple steps on how to guard against fraud

Top tip: Use multiple log-ins

Try to think up a different password for every site that you use. You could use a password manager app to keep them all together securely in case they slip your mind.

Longer is better

Whether it's your first pet, your favourite movie character or your childhood nickname, you can create a stronger password by making it at least 8 characters long using numbers and special characters (such as !?£@*&/). Always use a mix of lowercase and capital letters to add an extra layer of guesswork for any would-be hackers. You could even use a passphrase rather than a password, using between 10 and 20 characters - like 'battery-horse-staple' - something that's easy to remember but hard to guess.

Make it random

Although it can be tempting and easier to remember, try not to use password combinations that are easy to guess, like a birthday or just your name followed by '123'. It's best to use things that only you know about or remember and others can't guess, like 'M!sterSnuffl3s' or 'Sw!mmingWithD0lp4in51999' (then, even if someone guessed your actual information, they'd still find it almost impossible to work out your character combination).

Keep them to yourself

Never share your password to anyone, online or offline. You shouldn't give your passwords to anyone under any circumstances, regardless of how much you trust them. The best way to store passwords securely is to use a password safe application rather than writing them down or storing them on a document like a spreadsheet.

Things to remember when managing your online services

Log out of shared devices

On a typical day we might log in to lots of services as well as our online shopping accounts. It's more important than ever to log out of your account once you've finished using a service if you're on a computer used by others in a public place.

Keep track of your activity

Check your order history every now and then to make sure that all purchases are your own. If you see something suspicious, call your service provider to flag it and resolve any security issues straight away.

Always keep an eye on your bank statements too, to make sure nothing has been bought that you didn't buy.

Top tips when using laptops, tablets and phones

Top Tip: Keep it locked

Use a pattern, PIN or fingerprint screen lock on all devices if you can. That way, if your device is lost or stolen, the information you keep on it won't be. You could set up Find My Device (for Android devices) or Find My iPhone so you can remotely wipe your phone if you lose it.

Stick to what you know

Only use secure WiFi networks that you're familiar with, and always be careful when entering payment details over public WiFi networks - clear any payment details and log out once you've finished so your information isn't left on the system for someone to find.

Update and protect

Keep your apps updated (as security is often improved with each version) and install antivirus software to prevent threats of virus attacks which hackers could use to steal your information.

Https is best

You should never enter payment details on a site with a web address that doesn't start with https:// This means that the site is encrypted and should be secure, so if you don't see it, don't enter your details in it.

Be careful what you download

It can be easy to keep tapping and clicking 'yes' or 'allow' when we're online, but it's important to avoid downloading potentially harmful apps or files. If something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't.

Install anti-virus software

Malware (e.g. viruses, trojans etc.) is usually spread by email, but it's also possible to install infected software by accident which poses a significant risk to the security of your information. Most Mac or Linux users do not need anti-virus software but if you run Windows, you should consider using anti-virus software to protect yourself from such malware (by alerting you to suspicious software before you agree to download it). There are both paid and free solutions available. Anti-virus software is also available for mobile platforms, although the risk on mobile platforms is typically lower.

Some things to look out for when using the web

What is Phishing?

Put simply, phishing happens when someone tries to trick you into giving away sensitive personal information, such as a password for your online account. This can happen in emails or on untrustworthy websites that look genuine (like a seemingly legitimate log-in page created by a hacker that is actually fake). Once your password is revealed, the hacker could then access your account and spend your money fraudulently.

Be wary of advertising pop-ups

Sometimes, fraudulent individuals might create ads that appear authentic, as well as emails that look like they're from trusted contacts. If you see something that looks real, but asks for payment details or passwords, steer clear. Genuine websites will not request this type of information in banners or over email.

Check the web address

Always look closely at the url of website you're using - cyber fraudsters may create addresses that look very similar to a service that you're familiar with by including subtle errors (for example, to get into your online shopping account, a criminal might direct you to a site called '' and get you to enter your password on a fake 'My Account' page).

Be vigilant, always

Remember - if it's too good to be true, it probably is. Prize draws, free money or quick ways to make money are often tell-tale signs of phishing and so are best avoided.